Student Testimonials
What sets RUHS apart from other high schools?
Hear why Jayden recommends RUHS!
Hear why Darius recommends RUHS!
Hear why Natalie recommends RUHS!
Trayvon explains why Rock University High School is a good fit for him!
Why Choose Rock University High School?
Hear why Lucy recommends RUHS!
Joshua tells us why he chose Rock University High School!
I attend RUHS because of the strong connections I make with each student and teacher. At RUHS, it seems that there is an open space for everyone to be included. This allows me to find people with the same interests while knowing I can talk to teachers about any problem, and they will gladly help. There is a real connection between teachers and students that isn't available at other schools. (Junior, Class of 2024)
RUHS offers more of the one-to-one aspect in which I am able to personalize my education more than I would have been able to at a traditional high school. Having smaller class sizes, teachers are able to be more flexible when it comes to ensuring that students get to take classes that they are interested in and push themselves to reach their full potential. Also, I love this school because I am able to save so much money taking college classes in high school and able to get on the quick track to complete my college education. I consistently feel productive in my work and happy with where I stand academically. (Senior, Class of 2022)
RUHS challenges me as a student, it allows me to push myself further and think outside of the box. This school not only values my education, it also values me. I don’t feel like just a number or grade at this school. Instead, I know all the teachers care about me and my well being; not just if I’m doing well academically, but also if I’m doing alright mentally. My whole life I’ve always tried to fit in, but RUHS I can truly be myself. Everyone is welcoming and friendly. From the first day I walked into the school doors I felt like I belonged. This is the school to find who you are, what you like, and what you do with your life. I’ve never felt more prepared for life after high school than I do now. (Senior, Class of 2022)
I attend RUHS because it offers an educational and safe environment for me. No matter what, I know I will be accepted when I walk into this building. It has become a second home to me, offering not only educational growth but emotional growth too. The teachers are caring and actively check in with me when they see I am struggling, offering time to catch up and receive the help that I need. Overall my high school experience has been enhanced by attending this school, and I am grateful to have an environment like RUHS. (Senior, Class of 2022)
RUHS is a great school that has great classes and of course great staff. Everyone at RUHS is super loving and caring. They are kind of like a family in a way. RUHS is a really great high school and I enjoyed every single year I spent here. (Senior, Class of 2019)
They (the staff) will do everything in their power to make you go above and beyond. This school is full of potential, the more you put into it the more you will get out. (Senior, Class of 2019)
Mylssa Wunder
I graduated from RUHS in June of 2018. Going to Rock University prepared me for so much more in the world than a traditional high school would have. We would have these workshop days where people would come in and teach us how to file taxes, phone etiquette, interview techniques and tons of other stuff that we would need to know after high school. Another way RUHS prepared me for "the real world" would have been the types of classes and the way they were structured. Having the college based schedule kind of showed us what we could expect after graduation if we decided to go to college. With that we were also able to be a lot more independent. We had to learn time management and take responsibility for ourselves, by making sure we were on time to classes and getting our work done. Yes we were able to be independent, but if you ever needed anything all of the teachers were right there to help you.